Saturday, February 28, 2009

Where's the Chicken?

On Occasion I will take the kids out to an actual restaurant, not too often, but on Friday we decided to go out. We went to Red Robin after Jakes soccer game, uncle Danny came with us. We got a pretty early start, so I thought the wait would not be that bad. We checked in and gave them our name for a 15-20 minute wait. After thirty minutes and seeing that people who have arrived after us are being seated we check on the status. The hostess tells me they called Cote a while ago and no one came. Well our name is Cole and we would like a table. She apologized she would seat us the next table. Fifteen minutes later we have a table. Yeah!! Curen is chasing the big chicken around the restaurant, which is nice that he has something to preoccupy his thoughts. We place our order quickly and then the wait continues. Drinks arrive, then Jakes appetizer. We wait and wait. Tables around us come and go. Our waitress, who was so busy, checks in and says oh you need your food. Uncle Danny checked with another waitress, she would check things out. Everyone is checking on things, but nothing happens. Maybe the manager would know. The ticket has been lost, but they are right on top of things. Curen is even getting restless and bored of the big chicken. Where's our food, why does everyone else have food? Those people just arrived and already have their food. Here comes the food. Is everyone happy? Are there any other problems? Jake's dinner has not arrived yet. At this point it has been two hours and no one is even hungry any more. The manager checks in and asks how the food was and we inform him that Jake does not have his meal. He will make it himself. In ten minutes he brings Jake out a burger. Jake takes one look at it and says this is not what I ordered. The manager returns to the kitchen and after ten minutes returns with another wrong burger. At this point it was no longer funny. We boxed all of the meals and decided to go home. The evening was free however it may be awhile before we go out on a Friday night.


suzie said...

We missed you too.

I can't believe your Friday night, that was absolutely horrible.

Natalie is so funny about her Webkin too, she brushes the web figure's teeth more than her own!

Tami said...

Sorry, Tonya. That sounds like an awful night that just kept getting worse!

Jessica said...

When it rain's it poors doesn't it. I guess you have to have bad nights to make the good ones look even better. Cute picture of Curen with the chicken.

Nikki and Kevin said...

That's horrible! It seems it's even harder to find good service in restaurants these days.

si tu veux said...

What a fun night...and a great mom you are. my kids webkinz are always sick...they aren't great cyber pet owners. who knew? At least the breathing live pets are surviving...well, if you don't count the fish. hugs.