Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Rock in the Eye

Jacobsen after our visit to the eye doctor

Do you ever remember your mom telling you not to play with sticks and rocks? Do you remember the logic behind that? Apparently, I have not said it enough at this household, or according to Jake I have never said it at all. Maybe that is true. Once again Jacobsen reminds me that I am too soft. He tells me often to be tough and not let people push me around. Maybe I am, (too soft) but can you change that? I am not sure that I have ever been tough, and I am not sure what that even means. Jacobsen and I were talking about the things that I want to accomplish before I die (which he thinks is nearly here). I listed things I thought I would like to do. When I asked him if he thought I would make a good school teacher, he laughed and said ,"No way the kids will totally take advantage of you, because you are too soft." So, because I am too soft, Jacobsen and his cousin Austin were playing with rocks and sticks. They constructed a catapult and were launching rocks. One of which hit Jacobsen in the eye. He is fine, but freaked out all the adults. It looked pretty nasty, but is already healing quickly. Maybe we can all remember why we do not play with rocks. PS if you are tough would you please give me some advice.


Unknown said...

Probably better too soft than too tough. Shanley always accuses me of being the meanest mom. In fact, one time she even made a list of all the other moms she would rather have.

suzie said...


I have no advice, I am way too soft also.

Anonymous said...

oh, so sad!! i guess he is a true boy though!
nice to see you last night, maybe next time we might actually get to chat...i do love that crazy chaos though!!

Nikki and Kevin said...

I think if it came down to it Jake would rather you be too soft than too tough. It's probably the lesser of two evils.

Tami said...

I think you would be a great school teacher. You are "soft," but I think kids really respond to you and you have great management skills with children. I would put my kids in your class - could you get going on that?!!:)