Monday, January 26, 2009

My Buddies!!

Isaac, Maycee, Ryan, Curen and Kylee

Curen wanted me to put a picture of some of his buddies on this blog. Every night he will ask, "Are my friends coming tomorrow?" He loves to play and they all seem to love each other. Curen goes to school on Monday and Wednesdays with Ryan and Maycee. I am sure the three of them are in charge at school.


CollyWolly said...

aw they are too cute
you are so good to them all
they love you guys so much
I think I'll be stealing these pictures off your blog if you don't mind

in time out said...

Hey...thanks for sharing.

about the family blog. I invited you to be an author. once you accept i can grant admin privileges and you can get your family all invited with their email. we can do an eric adamson family section on the sidebar, with pictures, birthdays, etc. let me know how to help...i still don't have much going with our extended group...however Suzie and I try to blog our bits, and we can keep everyone up to date on Sheri and the boys...thanks!